Friday, January 2, 2009

Seeking Partners

Hello Everyone!

Well I have gotten many comments back regarding my blog. I just want to give a sincere thank you to you for your support and love!
A couple of you wanted to join me on my journey, and I welcome you! Currently I am doing the weight watchers program. The online version ($17/mo) because that's all I can afford right now. I used weight watchers last year and was successful. I just prematurely ended my membership. I have come to realize that I need to work a little harder on it and keep it up. It truly is a lifestyle changing program.
Now because I cannot afford the complete program that includes meetings, I have decided that I would like to host my own meetings. Every Sunday I will be meeting with my friend Christine at 10 am at the Starbucks inside Target on Howell Ave. This meeting will consist of us sharing our weigh in, progress, making a weekly menu, grocery list, and any tips or info we find. My motto is the more the merrier so, anyone that would like to join, let me know!
I will as well add links to my blog with info I may find interesting.

Also, I am finding it extremely hard to get myself to work out! What the heck is that all about? Like yesterday, I literally did nothing!! Mark and I sat around napped, ate, and watched Homicide: Life on the Streets. ALL DAY LONG! I totally could have exercised, but just felt like being a couch potato! I really need to get out of this rut! But I think I need more than just me doing it.. I think I need to find a work out partner to get me started.. I need someone that will schedule work out times with me. If I have a "work out appointment" I will be more likely to keep it! MFJ you suggested mall walks! I love the mall and I love to walk, so I am there! Let's schedule some times to meet!
On top of that I have a couple work out DVD's. I also have some workout routines off of my weight watchers website. I would really like to get started on those! I am generally free in the evenings.. I am off on Tuesdays. I do work 9-4 every other Saturday and 4-10 every other Sunday. I hope that I can work something out with one of you.
Well I am going to end this book of a blog..
Have a great Friday!

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