Thursday, January 29, 2009

Falling off the Wagon

I have been soooo bad... I have fallen off the wagon.. I need to get back on.. I haven't exercised in forever.. What's up with that.. I am getting so frustrated.. I am not getting that push I need!! Come on guys.. be mean to me!! Tell me what a fattie bo batty I am!! :)
I know it's not all about the weight.. But that's one of my biggest frustrations.. and it dwells on my mind.. I just can't stand it anymore.. I want to loose weight, but I just don't have the motivation to get going.. Plus there were a lot of personal things going on in my life.. but that will always be.. so I need to stop making excuses and get my ass in gear! Are you with me!!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Random Things

Hello Everyone!!

Well I have to say I am really happy with the turn out for this Climb that I am doing.. So many people are joining in with me on my team! It's great! A great way for us to bond and get our ass's kicked climbing a million stairs! More power to us though for getting it done!!

I want to give a special thanks to my group that has grown since I started this journey the beginning of this month.. I feel so energetic and ready to do this because of all the support. Thank you guys.. you are amazing!

Amanda- I really enjoyed walking with you that night.. The weather was cold, but it felt so good and we did it!! It was so relieving! Maybe we can double our walk next time, cause I was still ready to go!! :) With my pepper spray in hand, I am invincible! :)

Well tomorrow is weigh in day.. we shall see what results come of that.. I am supposed to go out tonight.. 3 points a light beer.. humm.. guess I won't eat anything today and drink my points! just kidding... I can handle that! Just going out in support for a friend and to enjoy myself.. it's been a while..

Well I have to get going, one of my three jobs is requiring my services today.. 9-4... takes up the whole day, but it's worth it! I love my clients! They are amazing and a true inspiration of you can do anything no matter what cards you are dealt!

Much love,


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Climb Wisconsin

Hello Everyone!

Well I signed up for my first benefit pertaining to exercise! I am doing the climb Wisconsin benefit for the Lung Association!
It takes place on February 14th. I am going to walk the 47 floors of US Bank! I encourage you to join! I made up a team. It's "Team Lose to Win". If you want to join, sign up, if you don't' want to walk, you can sponsor me!

I am soooo excited about this!

Here is my link:

Come join the fun! Walking so refreshing! I went walking last night in the snow, it was great! I felt refreshed and happy to do something for myself!

Monday, January 5, 2009


Hello Everyone!

Well we had our first meeting on Sunday at Starbucks, (Me, Christine, & Erin).. I encourage you to join if you can or want. I am happy to announce that since I started this blog, I have lost -1.60 lbs.!!! I know it's not much, but its a start!
I did try and exercise some yesterday, but Ava thought it was playtime and wanted to do it with me. Although it was absolutely adorable watching her attempt to follow along on a video I had playing, it made it extremely hard for me to do it because she was so far up my you know what, I would have ended up kicking her or tripping over her. So now my goal is to find some sort of routine I can do with her there, to which wouldn't result in any injuries!
I think I may bundle her up real good and me as well and take out the stroller and run in the park that is right by my house. Thanks to Mark I have my pepper spray for any sucker that tries to mess with me! ha ha ha..

The weekend proved really hard to keep on track. I was so very hungry at work yesterday (worked 4-10pm). I think in part it was due to being bored. I do a lot of sitting around at my job, which doesn't help. I found myself thinking of food, in fact it was kind of scary, almost like I was obsessing.. And was I really hungry? or did I just want to eat out of boredom? I did really good though as far as keeping my healthy choices.. I did cheat and have an egg McMuffin from McDonalds... (I know I am a sinner).. but I calculated it into my points! It was just a fast breakfast option because I had numerous mouths to feed yesterday (4 to be exact)..
But I vow now to really limit my intake of fast food, even if I am calculating it into my daily points target.. It will for sure save me money!

Saturday I went grocery shopping and bought all the food for my week of meals. I stuck strictly to my grocery list, and even though temptation was there, I didn't venture off of it! I then went home, where I prepared all the food I bought.. So when you open my fridge you will see all the lettuce in separate containers for my salads for the week. all I have to do is grab it and go! This helps me out greatly because all too often I find myself in a rush, and forgetting to make lunch, which then results in my ordering food from some restaurant by work for lunch.
I can't express to you the relief I felt to have everything ready for me.. This morning was amazing! I made it to work on time!! I got Ava and I ready for the day. Grabbed her lunch and mine and out the door we went! I even had time to cook some breakfast for myself!
It feels great to be organized!
Speaking of which! I purchased a Weight watchers Magazine and they have some great tips, and would have known that organization helps with weight loss! Its such a great feeling!
I want to give a special thanks to Erin, who helped me get organized this weekend! I appreciate it!
Well I must get going!
Take Care!

Starting Weight: 194.0 lbs
Current Weigh in: 192.4 lbs
Total lbs lost: -1.60
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds to go: 52.40lbs

Friday, January 2, 2009

Seeking Partners

Hello Everyone!

Well I have gotten many comments back regarding my blog. I just want to give a sincere thank you to you for your support and love!
A couple of you wanted to join me on my journey, and I welcome you! Currently I am doing the weight watchers program. The online version ($17/mo) because that's all I can afford right now. I used weight watchers last year and was successful. I just prematurely ended my membership. I have come to realize that I need to work a little harder on it and keep it up. It truly is a lifestyle changing program.
Now because I cannot afford the complete program that includes meetings, I have decided that I would like to host my own meetings. Every Sunday I will be meeting with my friend Christine at 10 am at the Starbucks inside Target on Howell Ave. This meeting will consist of us sharing our weigh in, progress, making a weekly menu, grocery list, and any tips or info we find. My motto is the more the merrier so, anyone that would like to join, let me know!
I will as well add links to my blog with info I may find interesting.

Also, I am finding it extremely hard to get myself to work out! What the heck is that all about? Like yesterday, I literally did nothing!! Mark and I sat around napped, ate, and watched Homicide: Life on the Streets. ALL DAY LONG! I totally could have exercised, but just felt like being a couch potato! I really need to get out of this rut! But I think I need more than just me doing it.. I think I need to find a work out partner to get me started.. I need someone that will schedule work out times with me. If I have a "work out appointment" I will be more likely to keep it! MFJ you suggested mall walks! I love the mall and I love to walk, so I am there! Let's schedule some times to meet!
On top of that I have a couple work out DVD's. I also have some workout routines off of my weight watchers website. I would really like to get started on those! I am generally free in the evenings.. I am off on Tuesdays. I do work 9-4 every other Saturday and 4-10 every other Sunday. I hope that I can work something out with one of you.
Well I am going to end this book of a blog..
Have a great Friday!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone! I hope that everyone had a safe and fun new year!
Well today is the supposed to be the official time I start my diet. And let me tell you it's proving to be difficult.. Sitting around the house, tired, just wanting to do nothing makes me want to eat!!!
So far today, I must confess I had some chips and dip! The food selection at Mark's right now isn't the best, it's all left overs from my binge eating last night for my last day of junk! lol. I do have to make my menu for the week and hit up the grocery store. Because there is nothing healthy or wholesome in the house right now.. I suppose I should have planned ahead!

I will try and work out today as soon as I get motivated.. It just seems so nice to not have to go to work or chase here and there. It's just nice to not have to do anything! But that's what I have to snap out of!
Well I am going to go for now.. try to drag myself to the shower and get motivated to start my day!