Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Begining

Hello Everyone!

With the new year comes many reflections of the year past. The one thing that weighs on my mind is my lack of a healthy lifestyle. Four years ago I had the most precious gift given to me, my daughter Ava.
Along with this precious gift came the extra forty pounds that I am still carrying today. I have struggled with my weight for some time now. Disgusted at pictures taken since then, still not being able to wear the clothes I wore pre-pregnancy, and angry with my lack of a healthy lifestyle.
The most frustrating part of this all, is I know that I have the ability to change it all. I have the power to transform my body, thoughts and lifestyle into what I want it to be. I am hoping that through the support of family and friends, I can achieve this goal!

I am designing this blog to share with you my progress from start to finish. I would love your feedback, support, and tips. I will update the blog with pictures and posts of my progress. This is a very private matter, but I feel that by making it public, I can motivate myself even more to stop making excuses and actually take that step forward!
Anyone else that wants to join me on my journey, jump on board because this train is leaving the station!

A special thanks to Mark, my main motivator that isn't afraid to tell me how it is! I thank you for drilling in my head to stop making excuses and just do it. I love you very much, and even though I may get angry, those are the words I need to hear!

Current Weight: 194
Goal Weight: 140